This evening as I was driving back from Washington, I was listening to a podcast episode from the talk radio show, The Splendid Table. It is among my favorite things to listen to. Lynne Rosetto Kasper, the host, interviewed a lady named Amy Sedaris who had recently written a book. She was kooky. I wondered if I knew her. She talked about cheeseballs, about making little Christmas gifts, and about some book she'd written. I wondered if she was related to David Sedaris, the man who wrote the book I'm currently reading from the library. It turns out they're brother and sister. It also turns out she is the kooky lady I've seen on TV. Okay, all's understood now. Which leads me to proclaim that Mr. Sedaris' writing in some respects, new to me (despite being recommended more than once), reminds me of some of my own. It might inspire me to try my hand. I miss that type of creativity, which ironically enough, is how this website got started in the late 1990s. By writing essays.