Magdalena Kozena and Musica Antiqua Köln perform works by the Bach family in Lamento, (p) 2005 DG Archiv.
This is an interesting program, for it spans different stylistic periods. Among my favorite works on the CD is a cantata by Francesco Conti, which J.S. Bach evidently had copied and performed in Cöthen. The long fourth movement aria is well done, but the solo violin line that keeps returning almost gets old by the movement's end. MAK performs BWV 170 too on the recording, with their usual tell-tale faster than we're used to tempos. I like it, though.
The works by later Bachs I felt less inclined to listen to a second time. I have spent the most time listening to the opening track, Ach dass ich Wassers g'nug hätte from Johann Christoph Bach, part of the Alt-Bach Archiv. This has been recorded by MAK earlier, and interesting of course is listening to the concertante violin line. Here Goebel plays with vibrato in ways that his earlier recording didn't dare try. I am not sure I like the new style with vibrato, nor do I think it is particularly authentic. Yet, despite these details, and the fine contributions from Kozena, it's so easy to listen to.