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Geese in Flight Over the past month, I've purchased a couple "complete sets" of music, as I'm often inspired by Mr. McElhearn writing about his boxed sets, although, I am not sure I like Liszt enough to own his complete piano works. Among them are Bach's complete works for organ by Ton Koopman and Beethoven's complete sonatas for piano by Paul Lewis. For the record, I'm far more a fan of Bach than Beethoven, but to date, I've been unable to listen to every track of both sets. Lots of things get in the way, like real life and real work, not to mention my love for other pieces of music. Variety is the spice of life, and it may be a much to expect anyone to want to listen to hours upon hours of music played by the same composer on the same instrument. Or is this an odd thing to admit? I haven't reached an entire collection of Bach's cantatas yet, but I'm well on my way, as earlier this year I got the itch to get more intimate with more of Bach's cantatas. I haven't fully absorbed the new entries. I have to honestly blame something else — the computer. I've found the computer to be too taxing on my time. It can get in the way of enjoying other pursuits, like reading a book or magazine, or listening to music. (I listen using a computer, but often the other windows and gadgets on the screen become a distraction.) I think limits are a good idea to move forward through these complete collections. These could be: * limits of time (to free up time for something else, like listening for pleasure or intellect), * limits of choice (instead of putting 60 albums on my phone and choosing the more saucy tracks, limiting what I have access to), * limits of expectations (maybe not expect myself to consume a 10+ CD set in one month... In other news - I spent a small portion of my last weekend updating the themes to my other websites, and in the music world, I've enjoyed exploring what Audirvana can do to my home hifi.